One of our top-rated schools in Barcelona
Our Spanish school Don Quijote in Barcelona offers a large selection of cultural activities, WiFi throughout the school, library and media centre with computers. There's lots of Spanish courses to choose from, including intensive courses for all levels, exam courses and 1-to-1 classes. DQ offers a variety of accommodation options in host families, shared apartments or in the school's own residences. For more details take a look below and use our price calculator to easily work out the costs.
Free WiFiCheck the specific details below - we're sure you'll be able to find exactly the course and accommodation you are looking for to learn Spanish at this amazing school in Barcelona. Book with Estudia-España and save up to 10% on ALL intensive Spanish courses!
Spanish courses in Barcelona
Click on 'more information' to see individual courses start dates all year round. Please book early for the summer season!
Accommodation in Barcelona
Accommodation provided by the school is available from the Sunday before until the Saturday after the course. Extra-nights may be available. See below for details.Zakwaterowanie zapewniane przez szkołę jest dostępne od niedzieli poprzedzającej kurs do soboty po jego zakończeniu. Mogą być dostępne dodatkowe noce. Szczegóły znajdziesz poniżej.
School location in Barcelona
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