Watching films, series and documentaries in another language is a great way to complement your Spanish learning. Below are some Spanish-made treats available on Netflix. However, before that, here’s a few tips for getting the most from a film - if you are hoping to improve your Spanish.


Make use of the subtitles: Whatever your level, whack on the subtitles. Whether you’re watching in Spanish or your native language, seeing the Spanish words will further stimulate the part of the brain that processes language.

Passive learning: It’s sometimes a great idea just to let the language flow. Get used to the rhythms, the cadence and the sounds but don’t make it an exercise in understanding absolutely EVERYTHING. Beginners can use their own language for the subtitles to take the stress away.

Active learning: Of course, if you wish you can make it more of an active learning scenario. You could write down words you read or hear. A good idea is also to make a note of the context or the particular scene. Context is all-important when learning and using new words. Stopping and starting will not add to the enjoyment of the film but is useful for listening to pronunciation and vocab.

Watch something you already know: Put on a film or series you already know. That will help a lot with the context and comprehension of what’s going on on screen.

You (probably) won’t understand everything: The amount you actually grasp will depend on your level. Just don’t be put off that you’re not following everything. Every bit of contact with Spanish is GOOD contact. Sit back, enjoy the film and let your language-learning brain do the rest. 

OK, here’s a few of our TV tips:

CATHEDRAL OF THE SEAS (La catedral del mar) If you fancy something historical, this drama, set in 14th century Barcelona, follows the story of a lowly labourer somewhat reluctantly climbing the ranks of aristocracy. Set against the backdrop of the building of the Santa Maria del Mar church in Barcelona.

MONEY HEIST (La casa de papel) The series is probably the most well-known of recent Spanish productions on Netflix. The slow-and-steady format really builds the excitement up to the bank heist itself and the chaos that ensues. This series will have you wanting to watch “just one more episode”. There’s three seasons available so plenty to get your teeth into.

OUTLAWS (Las leyes de la frontera) Film. Thriller. Nacho, a young, introverted student, gets to know a couple of local criminals from the Chinatown area of Girona. This leads him to get caught up in a wild summertime spate of break-ins and robberies that will change his life forever. 

ALPHA MALES (Machos Alfa) The comedy series follows four men in their forties who begin to notice their male privilege disappearing with social change and the empowerment of women. Thanks to a ‘deconstruction of male masculinity’ course they begin to develop their views - each adapting in their own way. There are some very funny moments. Filmed mostly in Madrid but with brief visits to Málaga, Marbella and Ibiza.



If you would like to go on your own language journey IN Spain, take a look at some amazing Spanish schools in the cities these series and films were shot in.

Language schools in Barcelona

Language schools in Málaga

Language schools in Madrid


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