Map of schools in Spain Madrid
Learn Spanish at language schools in Madrid
People from all over the world learn Spanish in Madrid. The capital, with its airport, is linked to most European countires making it one of the most popular cities to study Spanish. Madrid lacks nothing. History, art, culture, cuisine, nighlife and much, much more. When you study Spanish in Madrid, you also get to know a vibrant, bustling, busy capital city. Our language schools are centrally located and never far from a famous landmark, a tapas bar or shady plaza. The Spanish courses on offer at our great language schools include everything from intensive course to business courses, or salsa dancing to medical Spanish. The best time to learn Spanish in Madrid is probably Spring, but whatever you decide on, the people, the language school, the culture and the nightlige with leave you with no regrets that you chose Madrid for your Spanish course.
Check out all our language schools in Spain too!
And if you want to study Spanish in Madrid, our blog is a fantastic resource of information on life in Madrid, learning Spanish and the culture of this amazing city.